Have you ever noticed how often the pseudo spiritual GET or RECEIVE "a word from the Lord," which God had already given to everyone, thousands of years ago? Sometimes they use a different "word" or vocabulary, but it is the same message. In fact, anytime a person claims to "give a new word from the Lord" (which is actually God's recorded word), then that person is claiming special revelation, while plagiarizing God. That person is actually a "word" thief and a robber of God's glory. That person is either too stupid to know that God has made that "word" known to millions of people for thousands of years, or they are willfully stealing from God. Either way, God is not happy. Those people are either deliberately dishonest or they have fallen for the false teachings of WoF movement.
Not only are these people false prophets, they are often giving false prophecies that do not align or agree with God's true word, God's true revelation. When a person does not read, study, meditate on God's actual word, but then they spout some information that is already Divinely given or they claim that some common sense truism is a WORD FROM THE LORD, then they are trying to lift their own status by diminishing the authority, magnificence and wisdom of God.
This is not to say that God does not lead people, or enlighten people or "speak to them." However, no one "gets," "receives," a revelation from God, no one hears from God in the same way that the apostles and prophets of Scripture did. God not only spoke, He spoke to special messengers, and those special messengers were especially gifted, chosen and guided in their ministry of writing Scripture. The were Divinely inspired, whereas Christians today are enlightened, rather than Divinely inspired.
I remember watching this mess rise up sixty years ago in "Pentecostal" groups (falsely labeled), which followed the erroneous teachings from the Azusa Street "Revival" of 1906. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be God's servant or wanting to share God's message, but twisting and misrepresenting God and His message is wrong.
For over a century (since the 1906 birth of the modern tongues movement) people have stood up during service, prefacing or peppering their testimonies with, "Thus saith the Lord," or "The word of the Lord came unto me saying." People have actually told other people, "God told me to tell you." I have known people who claimed to hear from God in their dreams, while sleeping and therefore they deliberately and eagerly welcomed sleep so that they might "hear from God." These people were deluded. This is the same thing we are seeing with people today. They believe God speaks to them and through them directly, in a special way.
Repeating what some inner voice tell you is a dangerous thing to do. Remember, Adam and Eve heard a voice. The New Testament tells us to try the spirits to see if they are from God. The devil comes as an angel of light and false prophets will abound in the end times.
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