Tuesday, December 21, 2021

12/21/21 After a person is saved, there is a hunger and thirst for righteousness

12/21/21 After a person is saved, there is a hunger and thirst for righteousness

If the new convert seeks God's kingdom and His righteousness, then his hunger and thirst will increase.
If he gets sidetracked or stalled along the way, or deprived of Biblical teaching, his desire will wane.
If he doesn't wake up from his spiritual slumber or turn from his willing rebellion, he will become resistant to God's leading and become willfully opposed to God's righteousness.

But if the believer embraces righteousness his hunger and thirst will increase and draw him to total surrender and the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

It is important for the believer to hear and heed the word of God, since being filled with the Holy Spirit and righteousness is dependent on faith, and we know that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. God fills those who hunger and thirst.

If a person is filling himself on the husks from the world's pig trough, then he will lose his hunger and thirst for God.

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