I have been thinking about folks who had a love, trust, desire for God when they were very young (having responded to the moving of God within them), but then, over a period of time, they drifted from God, spiritual interests, church involvement and eventually withdrew from an active faith and relationship with Christ.
I have looked into the factors that lead people to move from their faith relationship with God.
First of all, consider these two points:
One, it is important to realize that God does not want anyone to perish, but come to repentance.
Two, God calls children and young people to Himself.
Not only is it not His will for any to perish, but it is His will for
people to come to Him by faith at a very early age. Remember the words
of Jesus concerning little children.
Some of those who have had childhood faith, eventually move away
from the individuals or a church that influenced them for Christ. Everyone needs to be nurtured and built up in faith and grace. We all need a strong church.
Some of those who had childhood faith are led away by those who are antagonistic to God (friends, family, authority figures). The Bible tells us that bad company corrupts good morals.
Some young people get involved with sinful activities or sinful people, which draw them away from faith in Christ. Listening to the voices of infidelity takes its toll.
Some folks move away from their spiritual environs by going to Liberal, Bible hating educational systems, Military life or corporate America. A fake church only offers a fake Jesus, a fake Holy Spirit and a fake Gospel, which results in a fake hope and a fake salvation.
After years of spiritual wandering the person can look back and see what it was that led him astray. He can also see what might have helped him remain faithful. For many of those folks, it is too late to save them from a life of sin, even if they repent and have their soul saved. For some it is too late for their soul to be saved.
Good counsel, leadership, interaction with fellow believers might have saved them from their spiritual failings.
If only there had been a pastor, family or friends who would have warned them, or would have confronted them with the consequences of bad choices.
If only they had talked things through, from a Biblical perspective, or
If there had been a time of open sharing with other believers who might have encouraged them.
I am convinced that one of the greatest tools God uses in keeping folks close to Himself is the local church.
When the local church is able to sit together and be honestly open about spiritual truths,
when people are willing to ask questions, share their own personal
journey with Christ, listen to others, I believe there is far less
wandering, drifting, resistance, rejection, rebellion.
I also think that an open and honest gathering of believers is a good way to draw backsliders back into a right relationship with God.
I am not referring simply to religious jargon or a gathering of self appointed rescuers. I am referring to a gathering of humble folks who have been rescued by Jesus, sharing the mercies and workings of God in their own lives.
This is not separate from Biblical exhortation and instruction. It is a corporate testimony of fellow travelers giving witness that God's word and God's way are essential to life and godliness.
Small group meetings have always been important to Biblical Discipleship, since the time of Christ and throughout Church history. It has always been important in my own pastoral ministry.
Of course, if a person is not willing to listen to sound counsel or openly and honestly participate in small group study, sharing, instruction, then that person is probably self-doomed to failing and falling away.
The Bible tells us to confess our sins and to submit ourselves to others in the local body. It is obvious that the people who lead others should be humbly walking in light and manifesting the life of Christ.
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