I am constantly reminding my congregation of the importance of verbal communication. God made humans to be verbal communicators. God gave us the ability of speech, which separates us from the animals. God gave us the use of words, vocabulary. Words are the train cars that carry our thoughts. Jesus is the Word of the Father, He is the Thought of the Father. We know the thoughts of the Father because His thoughts are communicated in and through His Son.
As believers, we need to communicate verbally.
We need to talk. As we talk, as we articulate our thoughts, even our
feelings, we are able to grasp and understand truth more correctly.
We need to verbalize our own thoughts, to hear how they actually sound,
to see if they are actually able to stand up under investigation.
We need to share our thoughts through words to see if others can
understand our explanations, to see if our arguments are able to
withstand scrutiny.
We need to testify to the truth and teach the truth so that we are able to present the truth to folks who do not know the truth.
Being a faithful witness is speaking the truth in love. Don't buy into the erroneous idea that God wants us to witness without words. We are to witness with our actions and our words. It is good to talk about doctrine, ethics, precepts, salvation with a well versed, learned and seasoned pastor, both in private and in public meetings. This provides teaching and training that will help when you are one on one with a sinner or a believer who is untaught in the deeper truths of God.
When adults participate in actual conversations, then children and young people are introduced to truths and realities that can only be realized through two way conversations.
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