Tuesday, July 20, 2021



I remember when the wicked State made me and my fellow churchmen outlaws because we would not accept or recognize the State to be the Head of the Church.

I remember they wanted to take away our right to obey God in things that had been recognized as God given rights for Christians for nearly two centuries in America.

I remember the State telling us that we could believe whatever we wanted to believe and say anything we wanted to say, within the four walls of our church building, but we did not have the right to follow our faith and beliefs or preach or teach the Bible outside of the walls of our sanctuary.

I remember when the State started making it illegal for Bible preaching and Christ following churches to meet for worship and teach the Bible, in our homes, through the enforcement of absurd zoning laws and inequitable building codes and manipulated health and safety rules, weeding out Bible churches and salvation preaching, while allowing other "ministries" to operate in the same situation and in the same locations, because those "churches" bowed to the State as the head of the church.

I also remember realizing at the time that they were lying to us and that they would not only deny us our rights as parents to raise our children in the faith of the Bible but they would pass legislation that would force us to commit abominable acts against God, and they would take our children away from us because we raised them in the Christian faith.

Some folks never even paid enough attention to what was happening around them, therefore they have not forgotten, because they never knew, saw, heard what was happening right before their very eyes.

Some folks saw what was going on but they admitted they would not resist the usurping State because they knew they would lose jobs, homes, family, and go to jail, for denying that the State was Lord of the church and believers.

Some folks saw what was going on and gladly followed the abominable State, either because they wanted the government hand outs or because they loathed the radicalism of Bible believing Christianity or because they simply saw the church as a business or an actual arm of the State.

Any way, we are now seeing Statism running rampant, attacks on Bible belief being made into the law of the land, opposition to freedom of "religion" being used as a weapon against Biblical Christianity.

I have had folks (including friends and family and fellow ministers) tell me that I should just go along to get along. They have told me that all I needed to do was chill out, don't rock the boat, fall in line. Some have been so deceived that they said complying with the State in matters of faith and practice was my Christian obligation.

Well, the boat (meaning the social presence of the church in America), she ain't a rocking, she be under attack, fired upon, boarded, set afire and all of those on board are being taken captive, pressed into evil service and having their children fed to the sharks and and stormy seas of persecution.

I haven't been quiet for all these years and I am not starting now. Sadly, I have seen few people stand firm on the Lordship of Christ and it appears that it is even worse today.

If you don't think I am right about our present chaos and corruption, just look around you, and then raise your voice against it publicly.

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