Okay, this is going to be frank, maybe even brutal, and I am sure some folks will consider it unkind and self promoting. I plead guilty to frank and brutal, and staunchly deny unkind and self promoting.
In fact, it is not about me at all. It is about the silenced voices of famous and popular pastors and end times preachers, Christian legal ministries, and it is about the stopped ears and blindfolded eyes of a Christian population that has snubbed the clear warnings about a devilish system dedicated to destroying our children and our national way of life.
FINALLY, WE ARE NOW hearing the voices of the most influential Christian voices in America (in some cases, the world) lift their voices against the most organized, legalized, scandalized child abuse, Bible hating, family destroying and anti-American movement we have ever experienced in the USA.
I have been crying aloud, with a very few other preachers in America, about the evils of a government school system and the government and social attacks on Bible faith, Christian ethics and morals as well as family values. I am not going to go over these issues in this post.
My point is that popular Christian voices like MacArthur, Jeremiah, Sekulow (among many others) are finally saying something about a plague that has enslaved the minds and lives of millions of young people for decades.
I have not only cried aloud and spared not, but for decades I have thrown out the lifeline, I have mustered the troops, I have rescued the perishing, I have provided escape, I have given safe haven, I have lead and supported programs that have withstood the rise of the polluted waters of Humanism, Secularism, Statism, I have put everything (everything) on the line in resistance to government overreach, social attacks, Christian compromise.
Now some of the supposedly most insightful Christian leaders in America are taking a stand (somewhat). Yet it took threats to their own ministries before they warned their supporters. Am I supposed to believe that men, who are much smarter than I am, did not see what was happening in the government schools, in State control of churches, in promotion of Humanism and paganism, anti-Bible and anti-family legislation, programs, support?
I am alarmed at the alarm with which these (and other Christian leaders) now speak. It is as if it was overnight and it is as if we can still save the children and save our religious freedom, which have not only been under open attacks for decades, but have destroyed millions of souls, families and unnumbered ministries.
I think these men should publicly repent for having failed to lift their voices and rescue the perishing, and they should apologize to their followers for either choosing the easy way out or being spiritually unfit to lead people.
The Christian population of our society should also repent for having allowed their children to be led to slaughter and allowing their churches to become State churches and promoters of darkness rather than armies of light.
It is late. There are lives, souls that will never be rescued, recovered. The rushing sewage tsunami of filth being spewed from the pits of darkness, also known as Humanism, Secularism, Materialism, Socialism, Naturalism, Paganism, Racism are everywhere and only those who are willing to live and to die for their faith are going to survive the coming persecution.
As I said, this is not about me. It is about the prophets of God who have failed to lift up their voices in defense of the millions of children and our churches who have been sacrificed on the altar of Humanism and Statism.
This is not just a personal rant, this is a wake up call and a call to radical Christian action.
It is a call to New Testament living.
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