So, you might think I talk a lot about obeying God, keeping His commandments, but I realized something recently. I talk about following Christ, denying self as much as I do because I encounter so many people who think that obeying God, keeping His commandments, following Him fully and denying self is salvation by works, is self righteousness. They attack the idea of being holy, righteous, pure, perfect in love, being good and the idea of doing good works as if it is sinful or demonic.
Yes, there are people who do believe that they can be good enough or they can do enough good works to earn heaven. But that has nothing to do with the Biblical fact that we are saved from sin for the express purpose of doing good works and walking in the steps of Jesus.
So I address to the popular errors and false doctrines of the day. I am as opposed to legalism and works righteousness as the next Bible believer, but I read the Bible and I actually accept what it says. The Bible does refer to Christians being holy, pure, righteous, obedient, self denying, good, faithful workers.
It is really disturbing that people who claim to believe the Bible are so antagonistic to God's words, God's people, God's salvation.
God is the One who calls His children to be holy, pure, righteous, obedient, self denying, good, and faithful workers, yet folks cringe when they hear those words.
Those who love Christ and follow Him give testimony to God's power, presence, leading, deliverance but those who reject God's vocabulary mock, demean, blaspheme Christians who believe that God saves us from all sin in this present evil world.
The reality of Salvation is often twisted into legalism or presumption. However, salvation is a transformation that ends a life of sin and begins life of Christlikeness. Salvation is deliverance from sin.
Yep, I guess I do talk about these truths a lot, for two reasons.
One, these are wonderful Biblical truths.
Two, there is so much error concerning these truths that someone has to shine the light of God's truth.
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