Tuesday, August 31, 2021



D'ya wanna know why it is important to hang around people who live life on the edge, while living in the middle of God's will?

I'll tell you why.

If you want to be a fisherman, a good fisherman, then hang around fishermen; hang around boats; hang around the dock; hang around where they eat; hang around the tackle shop.

Listen to them when they talk about their good time; their bad times; their successes; their failures; their favorite stories; their greatest challenges; their worst experiences; their most profitable trips; their most dangerous trips. Listen carefully.

LIKEWISE, as a Christian, if you want to know about victorious living; about living by faith; about living in the Spirit, then you need to be where victorious Christians spend their time.

You need to be in Sunday Morning Bible Class, where seasoned saints tell the stories of God's leading, teaching, empowering.

You need to be in Worship Services (AM and PM), where God's instruction and God's history of redemption, deliverance, faithfulness are proclaimed in preaching, teaching, reading, testimony, music, confession.

You need to be in Midweek Service, where exhortation, edification, supplication, intercession is offered by pastor and parishioners.

You need to be present for other meetings of the saints, where eternal issues are the focal point, where God is recognized for His promises, powers and presence in the lives of His children.

The gathering of believes is not the time to focus on sports, politics, finances, vocations, entertainment, hobbies. Some of these subjects do enter into Christian living, but Christ is the focal point of Christian gatherings, whether in a dedicated location or in the highway and byways of life.

Remember, where two or three are gathered together in His name, He is in the midst.

God clearly tells us to pursue close fellowship in these difficult times.
Hebrews 10:24-25
24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:
25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

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