Tuesday, August 3, 2021



I compiled and posted this list of section titles and the first verse to each section to demonstrate the Divine instruction God gave to Israel concerning their proper and expected interaction with God, with one another and with their non covenantal neighbors. This indicated God's plan for relationships rather than just rule keeping.

The Church is not under Mosaic laws, though the commandments in the Decalogue (addressing man's relationship with God), and the six commandments (God's moral law) are still the standard for interpersonal relationships This does not mean that we are saved by law keeping, but these foundational laws are followed by those who love God. Obeying God is not the cause of salvation by grace, it is the result of salvation by grace.

God gave the Ten Commandments to His people in Exodus 20 but a major portion of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy is instruction to Israel concerning God's laws. The Decalogue was not a one and done scenario. It was just the foundation of revelation from God, concerning godly living in the Old Testament.

This is similar to the format of the New Testament. NO, I am not saying that the New Testament is about Christians earning salvation by keeping the law. I am saying that the birth, life, atoning death, resurrection, ascension and intercessory work of Christ are not only revealed in the New Testament, but they are also elaborated on, explained throughout the New Testament. The New Testament is God's revelation concerning His expectation and His enablement for godly living for Christians.

Jesus revealed His plan through passages, such as, The Sermon On The Mount, the parables and lessons spoken by Christ, The Olivet Discourse, also through His actions, such as His baptism, His Testing in the wilderness, turning water into wine, feeding the multitudes, healing the sick, cleansing the Temple, calming the storm, catching the fish, walking on the water, the Transfiguration, the Last Supper, praying in the Garden. Then through the work and teaching of the apostles.

The events of the Exodus, such as, the Passover, the crossing of the Red Sea and Jordan River, Mt. Sinai were amazing, but the Divine instruction, leading, correction were foundational.

Likewise, the Virgin Birth, the sinless life, the atoning sacrifice, the physical resurrection, the Ascension were all glorious events, but the Divine instruction throughout the New Testament puts God's revelation in perspective and makes it applicable to daily life.
This list, which extends into the rest of the Pentateuch indicates that it takes more than the Divine events to form a people of God; it also takes Divine revelation, enlightenment, intervention.

I was not going to post my Exodus list, but shared it during Bible Class and I decided to leave it up for others, just to demonstrate the ongoing work of God, after Divine and redemptive actions.

Laws for Burnt Offerings
Lev 1:1
Laws for Grain Offerings
Lev 2:1
Laws for Peace Offerings
Lev 3:1
Laws for Sin Offerings
Lev 4:1
Laws for Guilt Offerings
Lev 5:14
The Priests and the Offerings
Lev 6:8
Consecration of Aaron and His Sons
Lev 8:1
The Lord Accepts Aaron's Offering
Lev 9:1
The Death of Nadab and Abihu
Lev 10:1
Clean and Unclean Animals
Lev 11:1
Purification After Childbirth
Lev 12:1
Laws About Leprosy
Lev 13:1
Laws for Cleansing Lepers
Lev 14:1
Laws for Cleansing Houses
Lev 14:33
Laws About Bodily Discharges
Lev 15:1
The Day of Atonement
Lev 16:1
The Place of Sacrifice
Lev 17:1
Laws Against Eating Blood
Lev 17:10
Unlawful Sexual Relations
Lev 18:1
The Lord Is Holy
Lev 19:1
Love Your Neighbor as Yourself
Lev 19:9
You Shall Keep My Statutes
Lev 19:19
Punishment for Child Sacrifice
Lev 20:1
Punishments for Sexual Immorality
Lev 20:10
You Shall Be Holy
Lev 20:22
Holiness and the Priests
Lev 21:1
Acceptable Offerings
Lev 22:17
Feasts of the Lord
Lev 23:1
The Sabbath
Lev 23:3
he Passover
Lev 23:4
The Feast of Firstfruits
Lev 23:9
The Feast of Weeks
Lev 23:15
The Feast of Trumpets
Lev 23:23
The Day of Atonement
Lev 23:26
The Feast of Booths
Lev 23:33
The Lamps
Lev 24:1
Bread for the Tabernacle
Lev 24:5
Punishment for Blasphemy
Lev 24:10
An Eye for an Eye
Lev 24:17
The Sabbath Year
Lev 25:1
The Year of Jubilee
Lev 25:8
Redemption of Property
Lev 25:23
Kindness for Poor Brothers
Lev 25:35
Redeeming a Poor Man
Lev 25:47
Blessings for Obedience
Lev 26:1
Punishment for Disobedience
Lev 26:14
Laws About Vows
Lev 27:1

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