Sunday, October 31, 2021

10/27/21 WOF(ake) IS EVERYWHERE

10/27/21 WOF(ake) IS EVERYWHERE

There are well intentioned but misled believers who are involved with the "Word of Faith" movement (falsely called Word of Faith). In fact, the false doctrines of WoF have spread like a spiritual cancer to many different church organizations and denominations.

There are several false doctrines taught by WOF, which is now being accepted as fundamental teachings of the Bible.

Even believers have fallen for the demonic doctrines of Word of Fake teachers. People who were brought up in Biblically sound churches have been deceived; gospel singers have swallowed lies of false prophets (sometimes aligning themselves with the movements, programs and personalities).

However, today we have a wide spread mixture of the false with the true, so that unwary converts are being taken captive, while thinking that they are following the Bible and pleasing God.

Don't be misled by peer pressure or gullibility or intimidation.
Learn the word, study the word, trust the word, follow the word.
Test the spirits, to see if they are of God.
Don't accept any other gospel than God's revealed truth in the Holy Bible.
Remember, there are false gospels, false Christs, false Holy Spirits, false teachers, false prophets, false movements, false revelations.

I am always telling folks, if my teaching, preaching does not agree with the word of God, the Holy Bible, then don't believe me or my teaching.

Don't allow movements or popular personalities to take you captive to darkness.

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12/31/21 IT NEVER GETS OLD During my Bible college days, I kept pocket sized Scripture with me all the time. It was my sword for spiritua...