Folks have been arguing about the proper model for church leadership for a long time. In fact, some folks are deluded into thinking that the local church does not need any human leadership. Without giving my reasons for my view at this time I will simply state my view.
The Bible gives us a foundation, with pastor/teacher overseers (bishops, elders, deacons). There is a shepherd and others who also provide leadership. As far as the complaint that a single leader can become a tyrant, that is true. However, in a team leadership there can also be a single tyrant or a team of tyrants. I believe a pastor/teacher leader is the more desirable model. After all, a real man of God knows how to submit to the body and how to love his congregation as well as any team. Actually, the more moving parts, the more likely it will break.
Sometimes, because of various reasons, a church does not have a pastor/teacher and may not have a qualified leadership team. Churches sometimes need to find a preacher to provide spiritual leading and training. In such a case, the church should be praying and watching for God's man. Churches should not be hasty in calling a man to be their pastor. In many ways, the pastor is the most important team leader that folks will ever have.
Sadly we are living in a day that has produced very few entirely sanctified (Spirit purified, filled and led), loving shepherds, with spiritual gifts, including pastor/teacher, word of knowledge (Spirit empowerment to communicate the Bible), word of wisdom (Spirit enlightenment to counsel practical Christian living). There are other gifts that may apply, but the point is that very few men are spiritually qualified to do the work of a shepherd. The church at large is in trouble because Biblical and spiritual training is lacking and because there are very few men answering God's call to sacrificial service.
It is possible for a local church to have a team of men, with various spiritual gifts, who can work together in love and unity, as a ministry team, until God provides the pastor/teacher to join their work and lead the team and their church.
This brings me to my main point. I have always tried to provide the spiritual atmosphere for growth. As our society is moving further from God and the principles of our forefathers, we are going to see the local church come under attack more and more. This is one reason that the local church needs Biblical leadership. The parishioners are going to need a godly, courageous, qualified pastor/teacher and the children and youth of society are going to need to see local bodies of believers equipped and unified in their stand for Christ.
I am working with the men and women in our church to step up to the challenge. Though the leadership should be occupied by godly men, there is also a need for well trained, established women following God fully. However, I want to equip various men spiritually and Biblically to step up to the task if and when the pastoral position is empty.
It is obvious that great numbers of churches are failing and falling in these trying times and it is reasonable to think that this is only the beginning. Yes, there will be plenty of fake churches, built on fake messages and fake salvation and a fake Jesus and a fake Holy Spirit. This should not shock anyone, since Jesus pointed out that there would be fake Christs in the last days.
We are not living at a time when you can expect to get a Bible warrior, pastor/teacher from the seminaries or from denominational headquarters or even from the schools that have had a rich Bible tradition. The times they are a changing.
I personally hope that our local church will not only survive the days ahead, but will thrive in the days ahead. I hope we will have a team of men who take up the banner, and charge forward with the torch of truth.
I also hope that we will have young men in our church who hear and heed the call of God to follow Him into battle, charging the gates of hell, lifting the name of Jesus, teaching the eternal word of God.
So, if you get to wondering what I am doing in the days ahead, just remember this little post. Better yet, check in to see if my plan has come to fruition.
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