I would like to have posted the actual clips from these false prophets, but YouTube includes inappropriate links, which I choose not to promote. However, these are quotes taken from several WOF(ake) leaders. I realize that quotes can be out of context or misinterpreted, but I have seen the clips on more than just a couple of sources.
I will name speakers and give the quotes. Remember, this is just a limited presentation of the blasphemies they speak unashamedly. I don't explain how they are wrong. If you can't see how they are wrong then you need to take steps to get from under the damnable influence of the Word of Fake crowd. I will help you, but in this post I am simply restating the blasphemy that actually came our of the poisoned hearts and lying lips of the false teachers.
Todd White...
"our minds become the very word of God itself. God did not want us to just memorize the word, He wants us to become the word."
"God wants our flesh to become the very word we say we believe..." "He
is making me actively become that very word that I believe."
Kenneth Copeland...
"When I read in the Bible where he says I Am, I just smile and say, "Yes, I am too.""
Paula White...
counsels a guest on show, "you are a little god."
Benny Hinn...
"we are little gods walking in little bodies."
"Say after me... within me is a god-man. Repeat..."
"Better than that, say I am a god-man."
"God came from heaven and became a man. Made man into lettle god's. Went back to heaven as a man. Faces the Father as a man."
"Do you know who you are? This going to blow your mind real good." (he
then refers to a passage with the word elohim (god's) in it) and makes
the claim that "we are gods."
"If you are God's offspring, you are not human."
Francis Chan...
(about himself) "you are looking at a person who is not just a person.
Somehow God is in me and there's a sense in which I am like god and man
all at once."
Creflo Dollar...
Referring to God creating man in His own image, Dollar claims that "God
made little gods, since we are in God's image," (according to Dollar)
"we must also be gods. God produced little gods. You are gods, little
"You are gods. You are not just human. The only human part about you is the physical body that you live in."
"The real me is just like God."
Don't be surprised that these false teachers boldly claim that we are little gods. False religions and Christ-less cults (such as LDS) that also teach that Christians are little gods, AND PEOPLE BELIEVE THOSE LIES TOO.
The verses they twist to support their twisted belief system are explainable.
First, those verses cannot mean that there are other real gods than the One True God.
Yes, there are gods by appointment (whatever a person puts in the place of the True God is a false God by human appointment) and there are self appointed gods, BUT THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD WHO IS GOD BY NATURE."
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