"Christian Music" (spiritual songs) are a very important part of Christian ministry. This is seen in the Old Testament and encouraged in the New Testament. It should glorify God and build up believers.
Most people will listen to spiritual truths in song more readily than through preaching and teaching. This does not mean that music is more important than preaching and teaching because IT IS NOT. For the established and mature Christian there is no confusion. However, for many people, sinners and shallow, carnal believers there is a greater affinity for music than preaching and teaching. God recognizes the rejection of preaching by pointing out that people consider preaching to be foolishness. But it is through the "foolishness" of preaching that God reaches, converts, builds up and sustains His people. Music is a subsidiary tool.
But music is also a tool of the devil. This is where the church in general and individual believers need to be wise and need to bring their thoughts about music into submission to spiritual reality and counsel.
I am not talking about music that promotes evil. I am talking about "Christian" or "Church" music and Christian musicians.
We are seeing "Christian" music and musicians upstage the message of
the Bible preacher. Sometimes it is because of the shoddy work of the
preacher, but it is also because people prefer the entertaining,
gratifying, glitzy sounds and performers to the searching,
confrontational, demanding, deeper enlightenment of Bible preaching and
teaching. Studying is harder work than listening to music, even
Christian music.
Yes, there is very good Christian music and effective Christian music
ministry. But the highest caliber Christian music ministry must navigate
through many dangers and pitfalls. Let me mention a few.
Lyrics must be Biblical, spiritual and worthy of the gospel.
The music must be appropriate to the message.
The presentation must be focused on Jesus and the message rather
than on the musicians, singers, instrumentation, volume, entertainment
and showmanship of the band.
I enjoy various kinds of music styles and I appreciate talented musicians and singers. But music ministry can be more MUSIC than MINISTRY. When this happens God is being robbed of His glory and the listeners are being robbed of God's truth.
Musicians and singers need to love God, people and ministry more than they love their favorite music genre, more than they love their favorite instruments, more than they love the thrill of performing.
Christian music is not really Christian when it robs God or listeners.
Christian music ministry is a tool, is subservient to the message of God, whether the message is in a musical concert or supporting the preacher in the proclamation of God's word.
If a musician or singer is not willing to bring his gift or talents into submission to the message, the proclamation of the word of God, then that person is committed to his music more than he is committed to God and His word.
This love of self and style is not a Christian characteristic. Often times pastors have problems with musicians. In fact, musicians often have problems with other musicians, even when practicing or presenting their music. Church people have ousted preaching and teaching of the word of God in favor of musicians and singers, sometimes the pastor has abdicated the pulpit. However this arrogance and conflict causes pastors to sometimes say, "The devil owed me a debt and paid it off with musicians and singers." This sounds harsh, but the devil has undermined many churches through pride, stubbornness, self asserting aggrandizement.
Christian musicians and singers must always remember that they are to serve the pastor in reaching the people, and this means following the pastor as he is following the Holy Spirit.
Here are good words for all believers, including music ministry people.
Ephesians 5:19-21
19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
20 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;
21 Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.
Colossians 3:16-17
16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching
and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
17 And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.
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