Wednesday, March 24, 2021

03/24/21 A TIMELY POST

03/24/21 A TIMELY POST
I hope you read my previous post. If you did not, here it is.

It is possible to twist Scripture, in order to make it SEEM to say anything a person wants it to say, which is why we must approach it in humility and honesty, allowing the Author (God Himself), to enlighten us.
This requires a sober understanding of the history, languages, cultures in the Bible. We must let the Holy Spirit lead us in understanding the text (or the faithful translation of the text). God, the Holy Spirit explains and documents His revelation (the Holy Bible) by His revelation (the Holy Bible).
An understanding of the Bible requires an understanding of God, which comes by prayerfully reading the Bible. As we come to understand the God of the Bible, by reading the Bible, we will come to a greater, deeper, broader and clearer understanding of the Bible, thus making us more intimately aware of God."

I make a point of this because I wrote this at mid morning today. It was after this post that I read someone else's post that is laced with Word of Faith false doctrine and blasphemy. And remember, this was not related to my post (as far as I know). Yet it was a perfect example of false doctrine coming through false preachers and teachers. I expressed my concern but acknowledged that I still needed to read the other person's post, in order to make certain that I understood their post. I told the person, in a comment that I could be in error and if I was I would come back and apologize. I told the person I loved them (because I do). The person removed my post.

I responded again, having read the fallacious post and expressed my concern for the writer and for their being misled by false teachers. I was also concerned that she had made her errors public but did no allow me the opportunity to publicly address the errors. She followed with even more false doctrine from WoF.

Then some of her friends and other family came in to encourage her. That was interesting too, because the words of encouragement were not Biblical, but WoF errors.

I will give a more detailed presentation of these WoF false doctrines at another time (the Lord willing).

As Martha and I discussed this situation we mentioned how the false doctrines of WoF have seeped into a wide range of churches and people don't even realize they are blaspheming Jesus.

You might ask how it is possible for a person who claims to be a Christian is able to unknowingly blaspheme Jesus. Here is how.

As I said, I plan on a more thorough update later.

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