Thursday, September 30, 2021

09/21/30 Excerpted from a memory from 7 years ago.

09/21/30 Excerpted from a memory from 7 years ago.

A simple way to explain the work of God and the workings of the Innerman.

SS Innerman
Imagine a semicircle, with 5 crewmen (R, D, E, C. and W.) representing the five components of the inner man (Reason. Desire, Emotion, Conscience and Will)...

Reason is the Navigator. He gathers, analyzes, and assesses all of the information relevant to the ship's course.

Desire is the Purser, in charge of supplying the ship with everything to make a safe and pleasant cruise.

Emotion is the Cruise Director, addressing the various feelings and fears of the ships compliment.

Conscience is the Communications Officer, getting updates concerning destination, direction, and developing conditions.

Will is the Captain, making decisions based on input from the rest of the crew.

Outside of this semicircle of shipmates, the leading and enlightenment of God can be represented by a Cross, since God (the Father) is in Christ Jesus, reconciling the world to Himself.

God's revealed truth and teaching can be represented by a Bible...
The leading of the Holy Spirit in the beleiver's life can be represented with a Compass.

The Divinely ordained power of the human will is seen in the fact that it can disobey God, though it cannot overthrow God.

On the other hand, the human will is enabled to make right choices by the revelation, leading and grace of God, and by salvation, which enables the Emotions, Desires, Reason, Conscience and Will of the inner man.

We should be aware of the ways of God as well as the wiles of the wicked one. In understanding our responsibilities, opportunities and God's provision, we can bring every thought into obedience to Christ.

But Remember...
While people are still in an unregenerate condition, we are separated from God, being dead in our sins and trespasses, and our entire self is corrupted by sin. Sinners are out of sync with God, with other people and even with themselves. The five components of the soul are corrupted.

Reason is unreasonable. The mind has become deaf and blind to truth and wisdom.

Desire has been turned to the temporal, selfish and carnal things of life.

Emotions are bent away from normal and healthy expressions and focused on self service rather that God.

Conscience became less sensitive to God, and therefore unreliable as a guide to godliness.

Will has rejected the authority of God and chooses to submit to other masters.

It is only through spiritual regeneration and renewal that each and every part of the inner man is able to function in the way God intended. Through faith in Christ we are made alive to God and we begin to relate to God, others and ourselves according to God's plan.

This is where grace comes into the picture.
God loved us when we were yet sinners.
God reached out to us in grace, when we were in rebellion.
God enabled us to believe and turn from sin, or He allowed us to freely choose to refuse His grace.

As we believed, by God's grace, we were transformed by grace. We became partakers of His grace and by His grace, we have continued in His grace. Without grace there would be no salvation. Without a real choice, there would be no salvation by grace through faith.

Grace does not negate free will and free will does not succeed without grace. Grace... Free Will... God's ideas, and they work together perfectly.

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