Thursday, September 30, 2021



Christians should recognize evil people and refuse to submit to their Christ usurping, Bible attacking rule, but Christians should not (will not) wage a personalized, ridiculing, vindictive, slandering war against them. Being recognized as a person who rejects evil laws is Biblical, being recognized as a person who is defined by anger for evil leaders is not Biblical.

Learn from the Bible and learn from dedicated Christians who have suffered under evil regimes. Remember, we wrestle not against flesh and blood (human beings) but against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places, which of course are demons of various ranks.

A Christian loves our enemies, prays for our enemies. While we resist and reject the evil rule of men, we do not target and build walls of separation. Let them be the ones who live in anger, hostility, name calling, persecution, slander.

This does not mean we open our arms and close our eyes to evil men and their behavior. It is a call to love as Jesus loved. It is a call to a Biblical view and attitude concerning our enemies. We are to hate sin and love the sinner, we are to love justice and hate oppression, we are to fight against sin but seek to reconcile the sinners.

It has been pointed out that, "you can't sling mud without getting dirty." Certainly Christians should live above the standards of sinners. Christians should be recognized for their love (love for other believers and love for our enemies). We have Biblical directives and Biblical examples of believers maintaining dignity while being attacked by their enemies.

A person can actually be civil and behave in a Christian manner, simply by choosing to change his own outward reactions.
BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, a person can be changed by the grace of God and actually love their enemy rather than loath and rant against their enemy.

Just because people are mean to us does not mean we should neglect being kind, merciful, tenderhearted, love, gentle, good, humble, compassionate, loving. We should follow Jesus in His attitude and behavior concerning sinners. Jesus had a right to take action against those who had turned the Temple into a house of thieves; we do not have that same right. If you are admonished by a spiritual leader about your speech, attitude, view, then you should Stop, Look and Listen; Search Your Heart; Submit to one another, to the pastoral leadership and above all, Submit To God, His word and His Spirit.

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