Thursday, September 30, 2021



God does not call people in pretense. His call is an actual call, invitation, offer.

Those who are called but are not chosen (elected) are rejected by God because of their own willful and deliberate choice to refuse Gods sincere offer of the free gift of salvation. Thus, many are called and few are chosen.

There are Divine conditions concerning salvation. Since God's gift is free and since we are Divinely enabled to receive God's free gift of eternal life, then human rejection and refusal is all the more reprehensible and damnable.

God calls us to believe that Christ and Christ alone saves us from our sins through His sacrificial death and physical resurrection and He also calls us to confess our sins, to repent (turn from our sins) and follow Christ.

Though we are called to salvation, we only receive salvation if we believe, confess, repent and follow Jesus.

Many are called, but few are chosen.

God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

Likewise, there are Christians who have been called to specific church ministries (such as pastor, missionary), but they have not been chosen for the work of ministry because they have either refused the call or they chose to follow a path which disqualified them for servant leadership in the Body of Christ.

Some folks accept the gift of salvation and continue to trust Christ for a lifetime.
Some folks accept the gift of salvation, but go back into a life of sin, then return to faith in Christ at a later time.
Some folks accept the gift of salvation, but go back into a life of sin, and never return to Christ.
Some folks accept the call of God to church ministry and follow the call from the time they are called, throughout their entire life.
Some folks acknowledge the call of God to church ministry, but they choose a path that either replaces their call or they choose to live in such a way that they are disqualified for church leadership.

The right response to both of these calls is, "Yes Lord. What would you have me to do." Then they should commit themselves fully to the pursuit of that calling. As Paul said, he apprehended (pursued, sought) that which apprehended (pursued, sought) him.

Be sure to make your calling and election sure, because many are called, but few are chosen. If you are not chosen, it is not because God neglected or rejected you unilaterally. It is because you neglected and rejected the gracious, loving, merciful, free gift of God which He not only offered you, but enabled you to receive.

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