The words, "Charismatic" and "Pentecostal," actually refer to all Christians, since, "Charismatic" is derived from the Greek, "Charis," or "Grace," and, "Pentecostal," refers to the Jewish festival, on which day the Holy Spirit was poured on the believers gathered in the Upper Room.
The words however are not always used Biblically. Some folks view the events that took place at Azusa Street in Los Angeles in 1901 as being the birth of the modern Pentecostal movement. However, it would be better called the birthplace of the Unknown Tongues Movement.
The believers on the Day of Pentecost (in the book of Acts) were enabled by the Holy Spirit to speak in foreign languages, which they had not learned, in order to proclaim God's message to the people who had come to Jerusalem to celebrate the Jewish festivals of Passover and Pentecost.
The supposed "gift of Unknown Tongues," referred to at Azusa Street, and subsequently by those who follow that teaching, was not the same as that which took place on the Biblical Day of Pentecost.
Neither is it the same as what was spoken of by Paul in 1 Corinthians, since the Azusa Street "Pentecostals" claim that the "gift of tongues" is the PROOF or EVIDENCE of the "Baptism of the Holy Spirit." Paul made it clear, that whatever he meant by the "gift of tongues" was not the evidence of the Holy Spirit, it was not experienced by all Christians and it was one of the least desirable gifts.
There are well meaning Christians who confuse the Biblical revelation of "Charis" and "Pentecost" with Azusa Street beliefs. As with all other Biblical doctrines, we should know and teach what the Bible actually says.
Remember, it is true that God gave us His Son, His
Holy Spirit and salvation, but the gifts of 1 Corinthians are at best,
ministry tools.
In that sense the Giver is more important than the gifts He gives.
We ought to seek the Giver and not those gifts.
The ministry gifts were given to the Church for the building up
of the Church, rather than given to individuals for personal
Also remember, rather than any "gifts" of the Spirit, we are to
earnestly desire a more excellent way than those gifts, and that more
excellent ways is LOVE, pure love, Godlike love.
In fact, the original evidence and the enduring evidence of the fullness of the Baptism with the Holy Spirit is LOVE FROM A PURE HEART, pure Love, holy love, self denying love, it is loving God with all of our heart, mind strength and loving our neighbor as ourselves.
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