Wednesday, May 19, 2021



Should a Christian join military service or law enforcement if it requires violation of Christian faith or Biblical truth?

By "Christian" I mean a person who is an actual, spiritually alive child of God. The person believes the Bible and follows the leading of the Holy Spirit. I realize that not all Christians have the same training or the same enlightenment, therefore there will be different levels of knowledge and understanding. Each of us has our own light, for which we must answer. The Bible says, "to whom much is given, much shall be required," and, "to hm that knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin."

However, there are some basic truths that should be common to all believers. All believers know it would be sin to deny Christ. All Christians know that we are to follow the leading and obey the commands of God (whatever they may be). All Christians know that we cannot take the life of another believer.

So, back to the original question. Let me rephrase it. If the military or law enforcement requires a believer to do something which is contrary to Christian faith, belief system, doctrinal revelation or knowledge of the will of God, should a Christian willingly submit to that authority?

I will call the military and law enforcement, "the State."
If the State requires a believer to not witness for Christ or to keep his/her relationship with Christ from being known, or to cease Christian witness and worship, should a Christian volunteer to be part of that system?

If the State requires the killing of children or takes legal, or armed action against parents for raising their children in a Christian home and atmosphere, should a Christian volunteer to be part of that system?

If the State requires the gathering and burning of Bibles, should a Christian volunteer to be part of that system?

If the State requires society to honor all religions the same or honor Islam and the Koran equally with the Bible, should a Christian volunteer to be part of that system?

If the State requires armed attacks against the State of Israel or requires action against Israel, denying the legitimacy of Israel or supporting Muslim offenses against Israel, should a Christian volunteer to be part of that system?

If the State orders the arrest of Christian parents and the removal of the children from their Christian parents because the parents are teaching their children Biblical faith and practice, should a Christian volunteer to be part of that system?

If the State requires people to violate their Christian and Biblical beliefs and lifestyle, but the people disobey the State and choose to obey God instead, should a Christian volunteer to be a part of an armed force that attacks, oppresses, persecutes, arrests, jails, shoots or removes Christians by force from obeying and serving God?

Ok, I hope these are sufficient examples of what I am getting at.

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