01/26/21 DID I TELL YOU ABOUT...
Did I tell you about the former parishioners I hunted down, stalked, scandalized, tormented, libeled, publicly scorned?
NOPE, cause I didn't.
Did I tell you about former parishioners I followed in person and online then publicly revealed their sins (real and fabricated).
NOPE, cause I didn't.
Did I tell you about the times I crossed the country, in order to destroy families?
NOPE, cause I didn't.
Did I tell you about the times I crossed the country, in order to destroy a pastor and his church?
NOPE, cause I didn't.
Did I tell you about the times I got on social media to personally attack and demean a former parishioner?
NOPE, cause I didn't.
Did I tell you about the times that I called people on the phone so that I could hurt them, break up their families, lie about their loved ones?
NOPE, cause I didn't.
Did I tell you about the times I contacted law enforcement and FALSELY reported someone for child abduction or worse?
NOPE, cause I didn't.
Did I tell you about the times I (as a pastor) contacted churches or pastors, telling them that my former parishioners were a danger to them and their children?
NOPE, cause I didn't.
Did I tell you about the times that I planned to kidnap someone and force them to be "deprogrammed" in order to be part of my church?
NOPE, cause I didn't.
Did I tell you about the times I tried to rescue people from a ministry by impersonating the parent of that minister?
NOPE, cause I didn't.
Did I tell you about the times I visited former parishioners and offered them housing, job opportunity, IN ORDER TO GET THEM TO LEAVE their church and come be part of mine?
NOPE, cause I didn't.
Did I tell you about the time I warned folks not to visit former parishioners, by saying that the other pastor and his church people would KILL THEM if they went there?
NOPE, cause I didn't.
Did I tell you about the folks I led to Christ, led into the fullness of the Holy Spirit, discipled, counseled, joined together in marriage, trained for the ministry, dedicated their children and then I turned against them, calling them cultic, for no reason (or any reason)?
NOPE, cause I didn't.
I've been telling you, this is not an Amusement Park, but rather a War Zone. If we don't move closer to Jesus we will move further from Him. If we are not controlled by holy love we will be controlled by sinful motives.
When people turn away from Biblical instruction they fall into a trap that may empty into a bottomless pit. This is why we must be Biblically sound, spiritually grounded and relationally stable.
If a pastor ever did these things to a parishioner, we would know immediately that he is not in a right relationship with God, and he needs to repent.
If a parishioner is the guilty one, who has viciously attacked and blasphemed another Christian (whether pastor or parishioner) then we should also understand that such a person is not in a right relationship with God.
Obviously my post was not a boast in personal righteousness, since refraining from doing such objectionable things to another person does not show the presence of good, but rather it clearly shows the presence of evil in the person who does these things.
Thank you sister Robin. It is my joy to pastor God's people. I have endeavored to be the kind of shepherd God wants me to be to His people. I say, concerning my congregation, as Paul said to the church at Thessalonica, "You are my joy." I would find the same joy if those who have made us their enemy would make Christ their Lord and make us their family. I loved them before they turned against us, I love them now. Turning and hating are beyond mortal ken, but God explains it in His word.
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