Monday, November 29, 2021



I know the answer, even when I ask this question: "How can that believer not have peace, not have confidence, not have assurance, not have joy in the midst of his troubles and in the face of his enemy?
How can they not have that abiding, overcoming, courageous faith that God has promised?"
The answer is, simply stated, that God does not give the Promised Rest to anyone who does not believe that God gives them the Promised Rest.
The Promised Rest does not come to the person who is focused on the flesh, leaning on the flesh, fearing the flesh, longing for the flesh, gratifying the flesh, pampering the flesh, walking in the flesh.
The Promised Rest is given to God's children who are living by faith, walking in the Spirit, rejoicing in the Lord.
I am hoping to post more about God's Promised Rest for believers very soon. The Promised Rest is related to Death to the Old Man, the confidence of Single Mindedness (which replaces the torment of Double Mindedness), it allows the peace of God that passes understanding to RULE (referee) in the heart, keeping the heart and mind in Christ Jesus, as we bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
I watch Christians wander in and out of the joy, peace, confidence, love, victory and wonder why they won't simply die to self and enter into the Promised Rest that God promised to them. But God also has declared that He will not allow those with fear, those with doubt, those who disobey, to enter into His blessed Promised Rest.
Entering into the Promised Rest for a believer is received in the same way that a lost person enters into salvation. TRUST JESUS.

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