Monday, November 29, 2021



Here is another great old song, which addresses Total Commitment.

Yes, there is a purifying that a person can only trust God for, after he is saved, because he doesn't even realize his own need for heart purity until he is saved from the guilt of the sins he has willfully committed.

The purifying, which a Christian needs, is not a purification that the unsaved can even comprehend. 

Justification includes forgiveness, cleansing for all sins in a persons life at the time of repentance.It does not include the inherited pollution (the Old Man, the Carnal Mind, Double Mindedness, the Flesh).

We are guilty for sins committed, we are not guilty for SIN inherited. Still, we are in need of purification and deliverance from the sinful nature.

This speaks of an assurance that comes to those who trust Christ fully to deliver them from every enemy of the soul.
God not only saves us from the guilt and shame of sins in the past, He saves His people from the pollution and tyranny of inherited sin nature.
This gives us joy unspeakable and full of glory, and unfettered faith, and overcoming confidence.
It removes the inner hindrances to a life of godliness.
This is what gives us victory over ALL SIN.
This is what makes us MORE than conquerors.

This purifying of the heart comes from the infilling and fullness of the Holy Spirit. It is also called, "The fullness of the blessing."

Romans 15:29
"And I am sure that, when I come unto you, I shall come in the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ."

by Haldor Lillenas

1 Storms of life may beat around me,
Hidden dangers may surround me,
But no evil shall confound me
In the everlasting arms.

Safely sheltered in the Rock of Ages,
Tho’ the tempest round about me rages;
Shielded from all fear and harm
In the everlasting arms.

2 In the riven Rock I’m hiding,
In the Lord of hosts confiding;
Safely He my soul is guiding
By His everlasting arms. [Refrain]

3 How can I be sad and weary,
Or my days be dark and dreary,
Flooded by His sunlight cheery,
In His everlasting arms. [Refrain]

4 Voices of the world are calling,
Dangers may be fierce, appalling,
But I shall be kept from falling
By His everlasting arms. [Refrain]

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