This is not meant to be a mean or personal attack on those who adhere to Reformed Theology. This is my evaluation concerning the theology of the Reformed Movement. I will make my observations and then give my reason for my evaluation. I know that some folks could care less about my evaluations, but maybe my views are built on legitimate observation.
1- The Reformed Movement = The Stalled, Lack of Movement.
2- Reformed Theology is the Dogmatic Theology of Reformed Beliefs.
3- Reformed Thinking = Stunted Thinking.
Martin Luther was not the first, "Back to the Bible" preacher or leader, but his station and location gave him the platform to reveal some of the theological errors of the Roman Catholic Church. Luther objected to certain beliefs and practices of the RCC that needed to be denounced, and he was supported by a significant group of people, but his objections were very limited. It was a good place to start, but it should not have become the final theological destination.
Remember, the RCC was a long standing, quasi Christian religion, which held to certain Biblical doctrines, but also denied other Biblical truths. Those denials were often based on the false teachings of RCC Popes and theologians. While there may have been faithful Bible believers that came through the RCC between the 600s to 1500s, the RCC was largely committed to Dogmatic Theology, while missing the Spirit of the revelation of God. RCC leaders, priests, "missionaries" during those years propagated a Romanist religion, including violence, blind allegiance to Rome, Sacramentalism and Confessional Theology. Remember, Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans would claim the name of Christ and then brutally kill and mutilate their enemies in that same name of Jesus. This Confessional, rather than Relational and Practical Christianity did not disappear in the Reformed movement. Strangely, some of the earlier, but "failed" Back to the Bible Movements did focus on the salvific, practical and relational side of Biblical faith, but they were slaughtered by RCC, Anglican and Reformed groups.
Understandably, Luther did not denounce the whole body of RCC false doctrines. Following Luther back to some basic Biblical truth was good, but stopping with those first steps is where Luther's followers failed. Those who accepted the teachings of Luther, Bucer, Zwingli, Melanchthon, Beza, Calvin and others, became the foundation of beliefs and thinking for the Reformation, but the Reformation was built largely on Augustinian errors and therefore Reformed Theology represents the beliefs of the "Reformers" rather than the New Testament inspired writers.
This is the reason that I made these three statements.
1- The Reformed Movement = The Stalled, Lack of Movement.
2- Reformed Theology is the Dogmatic Theology of Reformed Beliefs.
3- Reformed Thinking = Stunted Thinking.
The Roman religion had hidden Biblical truths since the 300's and continuing into the 1500s. Luther rediscovered, then uncovered some of those truths. However there were other vital truths, doctrines of the Bible that still needed to be rediscovered. Luther's contribution to the Church related to certain Soteriological truths (doctrines of Salvation), but there is much more Biblical truth than salvation by faith. There were truths concerning faith, confession, obedience, faithfulness and issues such as regeneration, sanctification, growth in grace. There were other great Biblical doctrines that needed to be rediscovered, such as Hamartiology, Christology, Pneumatology, Missiology, Eschatology, Ecclesiology and others. Though the Reformed Movement addresses these truths, they did not move far from early, traditional RCC views.
The rediscovering of great Biblical truths concerning Practical Theology (and Pneumatology) continued with J. Arminius, G. Fox, R. Barclay, J. Wesley, J.Fletcher, W. Law, R. Watson, N. Bangs. Other great Bible doctrines have been rediscovered by other theologians, preachers, teachers of the Bible.
Though there is great value in these contributions to Christian Theology, we must understand the limitation of Reformed Theology, Dogmatic Theology and Confessional Theology. These disciplines of study only present part of God truth. God's Incarnation, Resurrection, and Revelation was not simply to inform the mind, but to enlighten the heart and transform the life. Practical Theology, Experiential Theology (founded in the word of God) is the outgrowth of true Biblical knowledge and understanding.
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