Wednesday, April 7, 2021



A Christian parent cannot help if children don't find and follow Jesus. I endeavored to teach my children Biblical doctrine and Christian character.

I personally followed in the way of holiness of heart and life, seeking purity and perfect love in all of my actions, attitudes and associations, desiring to walk in a manner that was worthy of my calling.

I always wanted my children to do better than I did (in sports, academics, relationships, responsibilities and especially in the grace and knowledge of Christ and His word). I have hurt whenever one of them chose not to live up to their heritage and grace possibilities.

The best compliment for parents is when the beauty of Jesus is seen in their children and society realizes they were brought up to be kind, sensitive, strong, considerate, wise, self-less. A parent rejoices when their child shows the love, grace, kindness, humility, approachableness of Christ. But a parent is shamed when the child lives or acts in such a way as to bring disrepute to the faith and the parent.

A popular evangelists is said to have boarded an airplane. When he was seated another passenger (who was "under the influence") sat down next to him. When the person realized who the Bible preacher was, he told the preacher that he was glad to meet him, because he had "been saved" by that preacher. The preacher is said to have responded by telling the man, "You look like someone I would have saved." Of course, you can't judge a man's ministry by those who choose to walk in darkness rather than light. You cannot judge a parent's Christian commitment based on the life of an offspring who is Christian in name only. Neither can you blame God for not loving or for neglecting the person who chooses to live in darkness, though they claim to be a child of light.

If you are going to evaluate a person's Christian beliefs or behavior, don't judge second hand. Know the person before you accuse or excuse them.

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