Don't let the devil fool you into stealing God's glory. We can't progress into salvation or into holiness of heart (aka Entire Sanctification).
Only God can Save us and Make us Holy.
To claim that we achieve God's grace by our human effort robs God of the glory that belongs only to Him.
Salvation is a work of God's grace, provided by God and offered to "whosoever will."
Holiness of heart (Entire Sanctification) is a work of God's grace provided by and offered to His children who seek the Lord with the whole heart.
As recipients of Saving and Sanctifying grace we can progress or grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord.
We don't progress INTO it. By God's power and grace we are miraculously transported from darkness to light, death to life, devilish domain to liberty from sin.
However, we do grow IN grace and knowledge after having been saved and after having been Entirely Sanctified.
Calling yourself a sinning Christian is a contradiction and an affront to God.
Remember, Jesus came to save His people from their sins.
Remember, he that is born of God does not commit sin.
Remember, he that sins is of the devil.
Remember, the seal (outward evidence) of salvation is to depart from sin.
Honestly claiming salvation from sin is recognizing the
love, power, holiness, justice, mercy of God. It is not a personal
boast, since no one is inherently righteous, pure, holy.
Claiming to be a sinner is to deny the redemptive work of God through justification, sanctification, regeneration, adoption.
When we are saved we are born again (born of the Spirit).
When we are saved we are new creations in Christ.
When we receive Christ we become partakers of Divine nature.
When we trust and follow Jesus we will put off the Old Man and put on the New Man.
When we are entirely sanctified we are crucified with Christ.
God says...
We can't redeem, justify, regenerate ourselves. Only God can.
We can't fill ourselves with the Holy Spirit. Only God can.
And He says...
We must believe, confess, deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Jesus.
We must hold onto, cleave to, continue in the Lord, grace and faith.
And He also says...
We can build ourselves up on our most holy faith.
We can keep ourselves in the love of God.
We can walk in the light, as He is in the light.
We can walk in the Spirit.
We can keep His commandments and do that which is pleasing in His sight.
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